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Gypsy’s Broomsticks And Stones

Banishing & Protection Witch Besom

Regular price $13.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.99 USD
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This beautiful banishing and warding besom is adorned with a pentacle, and a herbal spell bottle of that contains black salt, mugwort, rosemary, sage, wormwood, and peppermint - all included to banish negative energies, to protect, and to ward of undesirable energies and toxicity. The spell bottle is topped with the black wax drip and black tourmaline.

Traditionally, besoms have been used to sweep away unwanted or stagnant energies and are often hung by doorways and windows to protect from evil. Each of our besoms is created with specific intentions and correspondences, and carry the energy of the stones in elements they’re adorned with.